2021 NAEYC Annual Conference

We are excited to share our recent experience sharing our workshop about Creating Making Spaces for the annual conference for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). We were thrilled when our project was chosen to be one of the 100 on-demand presentations this year. We were especially excited by those who selected our workshop to virtually attend during the live conference time period. It has been an exciting opportunity to share resources with a national audience and we look forward to hearing how this impacts classrooms going forward.

Were you able to join us? If so we would love to hear what you thought - let us know where you were virtually attending from! If you joined us on-demand, we would especially like to hear what attracted you to our workshop. AND, if you incorporate any of our ideas we would love to hear about how it went and we can feature you and your learning or space here and on our Facebook page.